About us:
Most of the time people at work or students in schools, colleges and universities are not good at managing things especially their digital stuff like notes and to-do lists due to the hectic routine. Tons of information around us is waiting for us to be gathered and arranged. Make use of Filterize to excel in your fields. In this fast paced world, latest information technology has played a dynamic role in make simpler the lives of people by offering smart solutions to the multifaceted complications of people.
Use of Filterize:
As everyone is worried about managing his digital data efficiently hassle freely, Filterize is the one stop solution for all of your worries. Filterize can help you out in managing, organizing and editing your Evernote in a smart way hassle freely. Right now Filterize is offering 3 tools Tag Hierarchy, Note Filter, and Calender at a nominal price.
Our Deals:
For giving you a unique experience Filterize is also offering 30 days free Premium Trial. Even after 30 days Free Trial you can use our Free Basic Plan. If you want to take full benefit from Filterize and want to make an actual change in your life then you can purchase our Premium Plan in 1.49 € for 1 month, In 4.17€ for 3 Months, In 7.14 € for 6 Months and in 11.88€ for the whole year. By using premium features of Filterize you can configure automatic rules which will be applied to all the new, edited and modified notes in a blink of an eye.
Features of Filterize:
Filterize empowers you to frame and configure new rules which create a share link with respect to your note and above all it also notifies your friends through email. Filterize allows you to add reminders to your note by setting filters. The most valuable feature of Filterize empowers you to decide which tags are added automatically. So make your life simple and easy by using second to none features of Filterize.

Jimmy is a dedicated and experienced author of this tech blog. He wants to be helpful and offer great content to his readers, but he also needs to make sure that the site is profitable so it can continue running. If you have any questions or concerns about our work please don’t hesitate to contact us!