Finding the right parental control app or software is no less easy. Due to a huge competition, one may get super confused with a lot of available options. I myself have gone through such situation when I was on a hunt to find a reliable iPhone monitoring software. During the course of my quest, I tried different software and apps, but unfortunately they weren’t exactly the same I was looking for.

One day I was referred to Family Orbit by one of my office colleagues. Initially, I didn’t give it any importance, thinking it will be no different from those that I’ve already tried. But I was totally wrong because Family Orbit was beyond my expectations. Since then, I am using Family Orbit to stay aware of my kids’ online activities.
What attracted me the most was its ability to track kid’s online activities without jailbreaking their iPhones. The platform works on a new iCloud monitoring technology allowing you to keep a close check on your kids. So, Family Orbit is a complete monitoring software solution and I feel no hesitation in recommending it to anyone looking for a reliable monitoring platform.
With Family Orbit, you can monitor text messages, calls, and photos without having to install any application on your child’s iPhone. Here’s what the team behind Family Orbit has to say about is parental control software:
‘’Family Orbit® iCloud Monitoring Service allows parents to track their child’s phone usage and behavior in more than one ways. This app lets you monitor if your child is using their phone safely. It helps you control them if they’re indulging in activities that seem unfavorable to you. This includes tracking their call history, text messages, photos, web history, location history, calendar activities, and a lot more.’’
Have something to say about Family Orbit? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

I’m Kelly Hood! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.