Overpack is an unconventional way to prepare the Shisha Toronto session, where a large amount of essence is placed in the bowl (30g on average), exceeding the level of the tub.
In general, the goal of overpacking is to extend the session longer by intensifying the taste and amount of smoke.
However, the execution is not as simple as it sounds – the smoke should be well dense, to be well loose and the aluminum should be placed with extra caution, stuck tightening only the sides, without pressing the smoke.
The chances of going wrong and shortening your session, as well as leaving a burning taste, are great, causing you to be frustrated and lose some of your smoke, as it takes a lot of essence.
“Ah! But this is for those who can’t prepare an overpack! ”
If you understand the practice, you have the ability to place aluminum correctly and are careful to control the heat well, and you don’t mind using an amount of essence that is roughly equal to that of two show sessions! You can do a good overpack and you will have a great, long-lasting flavor session from start to finish.
Did you find it worth it? Want to risk it?
Here are some tips for making a quality overpack:
- Opt for essences that are heat resistant and with little molasses.
- We indicate to buy Hookah online Toronto according to your needs
- Let the smoke completely loose, as “decayed” as possible.
- Keep an eye on the coal! Do not neglect!
- Rotation and heat control have to be much more frequent than in the conventional session.
Preparing the hookah in this way seems very risky, already knowing the facilities and benefits of the traditional method. It is more practical to prepare two Herbal Toronto hookahs by changing the bowl.
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I’m Kelly Hood! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.