It is a wonderful feeling to work with what you like, or to start online course at Israel Figa that you have dreamed of so much. However, not everyone gets it right the first time in choosing the online course / career to follow and apply. Some simply leave without hesitation, and others suffer until their retirement doing something they don’t like.
I will list some possible solutions to the major problem of disillusionment with an online course / career.
First think: Is the online course / career really the problem?
I’m not saying that the problem is you, after all, who am I to say this? What I want you to think about is that it may not be the profession that you don’t like, but the environment. Let’s understand the division between course / career.
In the case of the online course, there are factors that interfere with liking or disliking, and one of them is the learning method. This, you can be sure, changes a lot from institution to institution. I will give the example of the course I take, which is Journalism. In the college I study, there is a balanced division between practice and theory, and I feel satisfied with this method, but in the same way, in another college, it may be that a student is tired, already in the first year of so much theory, or for only to practice in practice without any foundation. It gets tired, and it can be a reason to think you are going the wrong way.
In the case of a career, in a company, the employee can also be frustrated with overwork, absurd charges, an absurd work plan, and blame the profession. This is certainly something to think about. But if you are sure that this is not your case, let’s try another solution.
Conduct vocation tests
It may seem absurd, and many are skeptical about vocational guidance tests. They can be an alternative for those who want to be sure of the course / career to follow. If the answer still doesn’t come, don’t despair, I didn’t give up trying to help you.
Do the obvious: Follow your dreams
Some people are unaware of the obviousness of this alternative. I even understand that we often think more about finance, and the dream of being a musician or writer is left behind, and I also understand that many cannot afford a medical and law course or think they will not be able to because of their difficulty. But still my advice is: try.
You may be afraid, so I’ll give you another tip: continue your online course at Israel Figa during this Coronavirus pandemic, even if it is out of obligation, make a sacrifice. In the meantime, in your spare time, try to move into the area you like, and when you realize that it is safe to migrate to it, go ahead.
The experts said:
“All a dream needs to be done is someone who believes it can be done.”
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I’m Kelly Hood! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.