After a long and intensive recruitment and selection period you have selected a number of candidates who qualify for the vacancy within your company or organization. They all have the necessary education and diploma, they have relevant work experience and the introductory interviews went smoothly. But now the decision must come; who will be the chosen one? A difficult task! All selected candidates meet the profile drawn up by you and have the desired expertise. A competency test can offer a solution. By taking a competency test you not only gain insight into the capabilities of your potential employee, but you also get a picture of the match between the capability scores and the requirements for the job. An ideal solution to find the perfect candidate for your vacancy(s)!
The Bridge Competency test from Testgroup
The Bridge Competency Test is a professional and reliable – science-based – test. The competency test measures the expertise and talent of the candidate on the basis of 34 capabilities, including self-assurance, result-orientation, helpfulness, decisiveness and integrity. The competency test can be used to see whether the image you have of the candidate – as a result of the cover letter and the job interviews – corresponds to the actual talent and level.
Testgroup’s competency test can be used during the recruitment and selection period – to attract a suitable candidate – but is also extremely suitable for training and developing current staff. If, for example, you want to move an employee from one function to another within the company, The Bridge Competency test can show whether the employee in question has the necessary knowledge and skills to make this move.
Other advantages of The Bridge Competency test are that it is available in several languages and that it can be easily completed via an online module. The competency test also takes into account the honesty of the candidate. The test uses so-called Normative Split Technology®. This gives you insight into the answering behavior of your candidate. It shows where in the test the candidate has hesitated to fill in or not fill in an answer and/or to adapt it. An indispensable technique to measure the qualities and expertise of a candidate.
Comprehensive Capability Report
Depending on the purpose of taking the competency test, you will receive a comprehensive capability report. Reports are available for recruitment (recruitment & selection), coaching, sales and teams. The report provides a picture of the candidate/employee based on 34 capabilities divided into 4 dimensions: Governance, Execution, Attitude & Mental. It is also possible to have a customized report drawn up, in which the capabilities selected by you – for example, only those that apply to the position in question – are included. View an example of the capability report here.
More information & contact
Would you like to know more about The Bridge Competency test from TestGroup? Do you need help with your order or do you have another question? Our professional advisors will be happy to help you. We’ll be happy to help you on your way.

I’m Kelly Hood! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.