7-Eleven in Australia recently released a mobile app that lets drivers lock in the cheapest fuel price for 7 days. The app uses a user’s physical location and real-time fuel prices.
The Fuel App was created to help 7-Eleven compete with the fuel discounts offered by their competitors Woolworths and Coles. Using the current location of the driver, it provides the lowest fuel prices nearby. However, the app will not work without enabling the device’s location services.
After the lowest fuel price has been identified in the app, app users can register for 7-Eleven’s digital wallet, which allows them to choose the fuel type and the amount needed. Customers must purchase a minimum of 10 litres, but cannot purchase more than 150 litres.
The voucher must be used within seven days at any of 7-Eleven’s 434 service stations across Australia. Users simply scan the barcode located on the app to redeem the voucher.
Vouchers can only be used once, regardless if users did not purchase enough fuel, or chose too high of a fuel amount. Plus, a voucher can only be used once per transaction and petrol choice.
The company’s solution to discourage discount misuse is by allowing a fuel offer to be available for 15 minutes. If a voucher is not locked-in, then prices are liable to change.
Drivers can check current fuel prices up to 100 times per week, but can only lock in a maximum of two prices within 24 hours.
Although the app was in development for 18 months and underwent a rigorous 5-month test trial at all 628 stores before its official release in March, the company notes there could be possible delays between a change in fuel prices and when the app is updated.
While users can lock in two vouchers within a 24-hour period, drivers are free not to use the vouchers within the 7 days if they do not wish. Users are only charged for fuel when they scan the barcode at their chosen 7-Eleven service station.
Plus, if pump prices are lower than the discount voucher, drivers will receive the lowest fuel price, and do not need to make any in-store purchases to receive fuel discounts, unlike most fuel discount programs.
7-Eleven hopes to remain Australia’s top convenience store choice and provide customers with easy access to digital products and exclusive fuel discounts.
The mobile Fuel App can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store, and is compatible with Android and iOS devices.

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