5 Trends in the Application Market


How many people do you know who own a cell phone? As apps become more and more part of our day, knowing what the app trends are is almost mandatory. Innovations do not always happen fast, but when it comes to technology the pace is quite different. Rest assured, apps and mobile technology breathe 24 hours a day and we will show some trends that we see for the next few years and how you can take advantage of this new wave of innovation.


1) Decline in development cost

The technology sector suffers from a great bad such as the lack of programmers, developers and technology professionals. The shortage of professional labor force pushes the prices of hiring up. And why will the cost fall, since we have this chronic problem?

New technologies that facilitate the work of the developer and programmer such as Application Factory offering the opportunity to build apps without writing code and its effect is now being realized and will increase in the years to come.

2) Each business will have its own application

While websites serve a large part to attract new customers, the apps are extremely useful and conventional for loyal customers. Because in the world the average number of apps installed per smartphone is 25 apps per device, having your brand on your customer’s home screen is immensely advantageous and shows how important you are to it.

3) Augmented reality and IOT applications

Some companies are already developing apps to bring a differentiated experience in museums and also stores, providing information to their visitors and customers through the interaction of the app with reality. Thankfully, I find the headphones with a sonorous guide in the museum awful! In addition, apps can collect various data that can bring insight and improve business efficiency. Allied to the apps, we have hardware that will be connected and can offer a unique experience!