The first feature film about a veteran in WWII and a woman of color inventor is underway. The forensic scientist, Bessie Blount, invented assistive technologies for veterans and regular civilians. The independent film is based on articles on the history of women in technology. It was penned by Émilïe Ngombom who is an artist, philanthropist and director. In an earlier press release, it was revealed producers were interested in Jake Gyllenhaal, Matt Damon, Chris Pratt, Leonardo Dicaprio and Jared Leto as possible male co-leads. At the Tribeca Film Festival, screenwriter Émilïe Ngombom said the producers were searching for an individual with unique talents needed to portray the WWII veteran. The storyteller also stated she was compelled to tell inspiring stories that are not being made anywhere.
Global treasure Émilïe Ngombom is an expert in international partnerships, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and creating access to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). She paints, models, and dances. Princess Émilïe Ngombom is originally from a royal French West African family and was raised mostly in Europe. Storyteller Émilïe believes promoting STEAM in film will have a positive impact on communities in both the developing and developed worlds. She combined her experiences and historical characters into a great STEAM screenplay!
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