Google Updates its Android Camera App: Enjoy Burst Mode

Google has updated its Android camera app comprising burst mode & RAW support onto HAL (hardware abstraction layer). The updated application will offer new powers to the developers letting them tap into the 2 innovative features via APIs.

Google Updates its Android Camera App: Enjoy Burst Mode

Google has upgraded its Android camera app including RAW support and Burst Mode directly onto HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer).

Google Updates its Android Camera App: Enjoy Burst Mode

The updated application will offer some new powers to the developers letting them tap into the 2 different and unique features through APIs once the Google provides them. ‘’Android’s new camera HAL and framework supports Burst Mode and RAW photography,’’ Gina Scigliano said.

She added further, ‘’we’ll expose a developer application programming interface in the future release to reveal more of the HAL (hardware abstraction layer) functionality’’.

“We will expose a developer API [application programming interface] in a future release to expose more of the HAL functionality”, Scigliano added further.

Google Updates its Android Camera App: Enjoy Burst Mode

The application programming interfaces are yet to be launched, and it would be sometime before the developers would be in a position to get some new features. Once it released the developers would be able to apply more smart filters while increasing dynamic range. They’ll be able to apply all kinds of modern post processing methods on the RAW images.

RAW support does not mean a good deal to end the users as for each Megapixel, RAW images take up the 1MB space and that’s why they are not likely to change JPEG for this time.

Google Updates its Android Camera App: Enjoy Burst Mode

Typical Burst Mode photography includes a series of shots along with a pair of pre-defined parameters. Though, with the Burst Mode at HAL (hardware abstraction layer), and the programmers can have their applications initiate ‘’request to take some multiple shots each with new parameter settings like exposure gain.’’ The system of camera will capture the required number of shots and developers can now process these snaps at app layer.