BOOMBAYA Corp., a mobile application company dedicated to researching and creating never-before-made apps that satisfy market demands, last week announced their latest innovative creation, the BOOMBAYA dating app, is officially available for download in the Google Play Store.
BOOMBAYA is unlike any other dating app today, adding a rank-based element to the digital dating scene, thereby dividing users into six different tiers including Master and Diamond. This exciting new concept makes entire experience more hands-on and engaging.
BOOMBAYA’s different ranked tiers range from the highest level of Master, through Diamond, and down to Bronze. Users of the opposite sex decide these tiers when they check and rate each user’s profile. The results make matching with the right caliber of individual both easy and convenient.
Plus, users don’t have to worry about staying in a bottom tier forever. The tiers are never fixed, and are changed with real-time data. The users can always raise their tiers easily by improving and putting more efforts on their profiles. Frequently updated profiles definitely lead them to achieve higher ranks.

I’m Kelly Hood! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.