A social media campaign in Singapore is supposed to not only improve your market presence but also create brand loyalty. But, how come many people and businesses invest a lot in the campaigns but are yet to see any positive results? Why does it feel like the social campaign only benefit a few? Truth is that most people don’t take time to research, but, instead embrace what seems like the best choice. This is why you need to think of the following social campaigns and ideas:
- Use Your Brand to Engage Them
When using social media in their campaigns, many people simply focus on “Like” and related terms. However, engaging your audience is more than just using what is common. It’s more about using your brand to create loyalty. Latest statistics indicate that Big Shots are finding it harder to survive in the market simply because of intense competition. Rather than rehashing an idea always aim at creating a unique brand.
- Relate With Your Audience
Coming up with a good campaign for social media is not just asking your followers to like you or share content. It first starts by understanding that your target market is, what they desire from you, and how you can satisfy their needs. No point of having a cool idea for the wrong market or vice versa. A Singapore Digital Marketing Agency focuses on three main issues in the social media campaign: understanding your market, engaging your audience through emotions, and using strong social statements.
- Choose the Right Time
Timing is crucial in any social media campaign and each company should determine what time works best for them and their brand. Launching your campaign at the wrong time means the engagement with your audience will be affected. In fact, it may end up pissing them off rather than drawing them closer to you. Studies show that Friday is generally considered a good day for launching a campaign while Tuesdays are best for engaging your audience.
- Be Part of the Conversation
The goal of any individual or business using social campaigns is to go viral. But, this will only happen if you actually give social media a life of its own. It should not only draw the crowd but also keep engaging them – the target audience should want to come back and never miss a chance to interact. This is best realized by allowing your target audience to express itself and trying to connect and re-connect with them.
- Be Creative
Many top brands didn’t just wakeup to find people liking them or products. In fact, most learnt the hard way after launching numerous campaigns that bore no fruits. The best social media agencies in Singapore are fully aware of this and focus more on creativity. This is proving a valuable resource nowadays where there is stiff competition. Creativity, originality and at times bending the rules are your best shot to attracting and appealing to your audience.
- Be Refreshingly Honest
Some time back, you would easily get away with not being truthful or honest. To lure the public you would simply buy fake followers or build links. However, the modern customer is more cautious, demanding and wants to know whether you are genuine and can actually deliver. The right social media campaign agent Singapore will use influencers that are tied to a particular platform or location as well as brand-safe content to create long-lasting relationship.
- Keep Evolving
Traditional campaigns using media such as Radio, Television, newspapers and posters were pretty static. You could use the same advert or promo for a long time. But, this isn’t the case with social media. You need to keep evolving with the time so as to keep your followers /audience engaged. A follower won’t waste time reading an ad or content more than two times-once is enough. Social media has no rule book or silver bullet, what you need is being innovative and regularly changing your content.
- Work with a Budget
It is true that social media marketing is way cheaper than conventional marketing. But, it can easily become costly if you are forever re-launching campaigns because the earlier ones don’t work. Or maybe you have to update your strategy due to competition and dynamism in the market. The rule is to stick to a defined budget.
Unlike the traditional modes of advertising, social campaigns are driven by the user and not the marketer. It is therefore important to always make certain the user feels in control while still relaying your message. Be authentic and don’t scream. Use emotions and don’t be vague. Use strong social statements instead of being commonplace. This is the best way to realize the full potential of social media campaign Singapore.

Jimmy is a dedicated and experienced author of this tech blog. He wants to be helpful and offer great content to his readers, but he also needs to make sure that the site is profitable so it can continue running. If you have any questions or concerns about our work please don’t hesitate to contact us!