There are many advantages to hiring the service of a sworn translator to translate Korean to Thai (แปลภาษาเกาหลีเป็นไทย, which is the term in Thai). Check out the main ones.
Correct Translation: By contracting this service, you are absolutely certain that there will be no mistakes that could prevent the official validation of this document.
Tranquility and security: There is also the advantage of the tranquility of leaving this task to a qualified person and also the safety in doing so, knowing that it will be done correctly and objectively, as the sworn translation should be.
Financial return: When a sworn translator is hired, the client will invest a certain amount, but only need to do this once, either by doing it on his own or even hiring an unqualified person, your document will certainly not be validated and you will have to spend more money hiring a professional translator.
Standardization of documents: With the sworn translation, the professional follows the national standards when translating that document and with the official entity stamps, validating this work, streamlining and facilitating the client’s life.
Regulation of situations occurring abroad: The biggest advantage in hiring a sworn translator is that, with it, it is possible to regularize actions or situations that occurred abroad.
For example, a Korean couple marries in the Thailand, upon returning to Korea, in the eyes of the law; they are not married, so they must regularize their documents.
For this, there is the sworn translation, which – in translating the document – regularizes the situation of this couple, who now has the rights that married people in Korea have. The same need applies in cases of birth, death, among others.
In order to obtain the professional translation of a document, it is necessary to look for a qualified public translator in the language in which the document is located.

I’m Kelly Hood! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.