Virtualization technology enables you to run different operating systems at the same time using the same hardware. Virtualization offers many advantages in terms of cost and effort. For example, if you wanted to run Windows and Linux at the same time, you can take advantage of virtualization. Instead of having two separate machines, you can run Windows as the host operating system and run Linux as a guest operating system (and vice versa) on the same machine.
The benefits of virtualization become more significant when it is applied to servers environment. You can have many virtual servers on the same machine, and each user can use its own operating system without interfering with other users. Even if one virtual machine breaks down or gets affected by malware, the other machines keep running safely. For example, websites running on container-based WordPress hosting are considered more secure than the websites running without it.
To take advantage of virtualization, one must understand the differences between hypervisor virtualization and container-based virtualization. Let us have a look at both options.
Hypervisor virtualization technology creates a separate virtual machine within the operating system. The primary operating system is referred as the host and the operating system in the virtual machine is called the guest operating system. For example, you can run Linux as your primary operating system and run Windows within Linux as your secondary, or guest, operating system. In fact, the number of guest machines you can run is only limited by the hardware resources. In hypervisor virtualization, you need to allocate a fixed amount of resources to each guest machine. In addition to that, each operating system needs its separate files and application.
On the other hand, container-based virtualization does not need separate files and applications for every virtual machine. The kernel of the operating system provides isolation of virtual machines and manages resources. This enables significantly improved utilization of hardware resources. Container based WordPress hosting offers many advantages and is becoming very popular nowadays. However, container-based virtualization is usually limited to a single operating system. Because it uses the same kernel, you cannot run operating systems with different kernels as virtual machines.
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